Minutes of the Fallbrook Point Neighborhood meeting June 11, 2022
The First Community Based Fallbrook Point Neighborhood meeting was held at the proposed Fallbrook Point project site parking lot at Fallbrook Near Roscoe at 10 AM. A couple dozen Neighbors attended which included Members of the WHNC board who were invited by the community. Graciously appearing as neighbors who also happen to be Board Members were Charlene Rothstein, Bill Rose, and Steve Randall. Various subjects were discussed and many residents asked questions and expressed their dissatisfaction that they were not notified about the Fallbrook Point project.
The 3 board members appearing as invited guests explained that the property is zoned to have more buildings put up at the discretion of the developers. The community based their concern that people were supposed to have been notified by the builder but were not. Apparently only those within 500 feet of the property line need to be notified, which seems questionable given the size of the project and the impact it will have on thousands of neighbors living near the proposed building site. Some historical facts were brought up and discussed. Questions were raised among attending community residents as to what should be the next step. A suggestion was made to create a private Facebook page to include additional input from the community (The Facebook group was created the same day after the meeting).
The following items were discussed and assurances were made by those who voluntarily attended the meeting after being invited by the local neighborhood (Charlene, Bill, Steve)
1- June 14, 2022 zoning committee will postpone any planned or unplanned vote on the Fallbrook Point Project.
2- The Board will put all the related information, files from the City of LA, from the Builder and owner and the Board on the WHNC web page for the public to view. There will be one source for information and that is the WHNC web page.
3- It was indicated by many meeting attendees that zoom meetings are not practical for communication with the Board during their meetings. The neighbors asked the Board to research and determine if outdoor Board meetings are permitted by the City. Others who live in the proximate area to the proposed Fallbrook Point building expansion along with those who do not use Facebook or the Internet voiced concerned with not being notified either by email or regular mail as to the ongoing status of the Fallbrook Point Project.
4- The neighbors emphasized Transparency by the Board in all matters related to this project. The Board members indicated they have been and will continue to be transparent and that it was the developers who were not keeping the local community informed.
5- The Board members asked for more information on a suggestion that our community was incorrectly labeled as an Urbanized community when it is actually a Micropolitan community. Incorrectly designating what our community is identified as most likely positively rewarded the Developers with more zoning rights than perhaps should have been allocated.
6- A suggestion was made that the neighbors should publicize the issue of this project and their strong opposition to the present proposal to the local community and to the News media. The Board Members said that was the communities right to do so.
7- The meeting ended at approximately 11:30 AM with a list of emails collected. It was decided to have a meeting on Monday June 13 at 6:30 pm meeting with interested neighbors at a neighbor’s home to formulate a united statement by homeowners to be read by one person during the June 14, 2022 zoning committee meeting.